Friday, April 4, 2008

A C.O.W. is in the Highway

C.O.W. - that's Church On Wheels...

And it has actually arrived! That was quick! I did not expect it to be delivered till tomorrow morning but it is here now!

We have committed to become part of the Gateway Hill Country Church. We are meeting at the Rooster Springs Elementary School inside Belterra for some time now. When we met Pastor Jeff and the rest of the body last January, the Church On Wheels was already decided upon. I could imagine what it physically could do to make our temporary services at Rooster Springs even better! Wow!

But a much louder !!!WOW!!! is how the Lord has led the church to make the decision in faith and to let Him do the work through and for us!!! The Church On Wheels costed ~$58,000 and a less-than-6-months-old church was used by God to make it happen. Is that awesome or what? Only God can do that!

The members of the Gateway Hill Country Church will meet on Saturday to learn how to set up and take down the Church On Wheels. And then set it up once more and take it down. And set it up and take it down... until we get it. Sounds tiring but it's exciting!!!

See the Church On Wheel's website here:

A Few of My Favorite Songs

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