Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Subscription to Al and Rela's Blogsite

Thanks to those of you who have subscribed to our blog!

For those who did email subscription, please be aware that the Sender/From name will be "An Ordinary Life" (instead of our names or email addresses). Also, it will contain the new posts's Title to notify you that Al or I have a new posting. You can click on the Title (within the email body) and that will bring you automatically to our blogsite, specifically to the post whose title you clicked.

I plan to write more often, so I hope to see your thoughts and reactions - just click on the "Comments" link after each posting. It will be fun!

Meanwhile, feel free to forward our blogsite with this URL OR to forward specific posting by clicking on the envelope icon (with an arrow) beside the "Comments" link after each posting.

God is good all the time!


A Few of My Favorite Songs

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