Monday, May 12, 2008

Why Motherhood Must Be Valued

Yesterday, I was in the Pre-K Sunday School, so I was not able to hear Pastor Jeff's message. Thanks to Ate Emhey, I got my "dose" as she sent me a response to my Mother's Day greetings.

"True, yesterday the world celebrated Mothers' Day but according to our preacher, Pastor Jose Francis Martinez, still it is the Lord's Day. In order not to rob God of His day and still remember the mothers, he preached about the high calling of motherhood. He said that motherhood must be valuated highly because:

1. It is a necessary calling. This is God's ordained means to perpetuate human race.

2. It is a very challenging calling. It required much sacrifice, self denying love, skill, wisdom, and competence.

3. It is a very noble calling. The kind of nurture we give to our children results to the society we want to have.

4. It is a very fulfilling calling. Giving ourselves to it, finds fullest joy in the Lord.

5. It is a very rewarding calling. The radical feminists are always asking for respect, honor, praise, recognition and care because they feel they are being denied of it, which actually the mothers are fully enjoying it (Proverbs 31:28).

6. It is a God assigned and God approved calling. Titus 2:3-5

Conclusion: We thank God for making us mothers. But for the spinster: Thanks God for sparing us from being mothers. :-)"

Thanks, Ate Emhey for sharing this message!

So think about it, gals... Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.


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